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Re: RFS: notorious-women

On Fri, Jun 18, 2010 at 09:17:52AM +0200, Didier 'OdyX' Raboud wrote:
> Bilal Akhtar wrote:
> > Just take the case of my package gnome-media-player. I submitted the RFS
> > two months ago, and got a large number of replies, everyone saying "How
> > can you use this package name? It is *not* the official GNOME's Media
> > Player (Totem Is) and so you should change the package name." No one ever
Seems like an extremely sensible decision to me.

> I find funny how the "it is in Ubuntu, it must be good" argument is used so 
> often. The fact that "Ubuntu" accepted that package with said name doesn't 
> necessarily make it good or suitable as-is for Debian. Different distros, 
> different policies and different people.
I get that too.  Sometimes it is valid, sometimes it is the equivalent
of small children saying "well all my friends are doing it why can't I?"
i.e. the only argument for it is someone somewhere didn't object to it.

I've seen some really bad patches go into Ubuntu, for example. This
doesn't mean the entire distribution is terrible or all Unbuntu-specific
patches are bad, but I would advise you check them yourself first.

Getting back on topic, the name isn't too bad, though I do agree a name
like fortunes-fr-*whatever* or fortunes-*whatever*-fr would be better,
assuming that it is a fortune file and the quotes are in french, as
opposed to french women quoted in english.

I also read that someone said notorious is the same as famous people.  I while
strictly speaking they may be definied the same, for most english
speakers it means in a negative way.  Someone who is a well-known
criminal would be notorious.  A famous person who saves lives of others
probably is not. A grey area is where the person is famous, but
notorious for saying socially iffy quotes.

 - Craig

Craig Small      GnuPG:1C1B D893 1418 2AF4 45EE  95CB C76C E5AC 12CA DFA5
http://www.enc.com.au/                             csmall at : enc.com.au
http://www.debian.org/          Debian GNU/Linux, software should be Free 

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