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Re: RFS: googlecl (python command-line interface to gdata)

A few more dumb questions:

"setup.py sdist" creates dist/googlecl-0.9.tar.gz in my project root,
but debuild complains about that until I remove it.  There's probably
an obvious way to tell it to ignore dist/, but I can't seem to find

Likewise, debuild creates build/ and debian/googlecl/.

I assume none of those directories should be checked into my project's
subversion?  I saw the docs that ask maintainers not to put debian/ in
their .tar.gz files, and setup.py sdist seems to happily ignore
debian/.  But are there standard tricks for making sure the right
things get checked in and put into the various distribution packages?
Currently it looks like the process is:

python setup.py sdist
mv dist/googlecl-0.9.tar.gz ../googlecl_0.9.orig.tar.gz
debuild -us -uc -i
sudo debi
cd ..
lintian -i -v googlecl_0.9-1_i386.changes

Does that look right?

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