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Re: Time of a package to be processed by FTP-masters

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 07:31:56PM +0100, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
> Why is this important?  In this lapse of time of 2 months, my package (1.7.1 
> version) was already obsoleted (by 1.7.2, with a lot of bug fixes).  So I 
> was wondering if it's worth to invest time in creating a package for 1.7.2, 
> or if the effort might be futile because the package won't be reviewed and 
> approved under any circumstance until freeze is over.  By that time 1.7.3 
> might be out, and my effort wasted again, so I would choose not to create 
> the 1.7.2 package at this moment.
Freeze is a trying time for lots of bits of Debian and definitely for
the ftp masters.  The problem is your question about when they can look
at your package revolves around when with the next version of Debian be
released, and we all know the answer to that is "when it's ready".

If there is no real changes between the versions, I'd wait until the
one sitting in the queue has made it through.  If it is something
important I'd update the pending package.

It can be frustrating because you've done all this work and then..
nothing, but look on the bright side; you're not one of those poor ftp

 - Craig

Craig Small VK2XLZ    http://www.enc.com.au/       csmall at : enc.com.au
Debian GNU/Linux      http://www.debian.org/       csmall at : debian.org
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