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Re: Doubts in Sigar packaging

On Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 01:31:39PM +0100, Tony Houghton wrote:
> Matthew Palmer <mpalmer@debian.org> wrote:
> > > sigar-1.7.0~git833ca18ecfc1f3f45eaf8544d8cdafef6603772d
> > Yeah, that isn't going to work -- what if the next SHA you want to
> > package is 12345[blah]... it'll look like a lesser version to dpkg.
> I had a similar problem when I moved roxterm to git [1]. I only use
> git-derived versions for testing between releases but it's still useful.
> Here's a bit of script that can help:
>     Date=`git log --date=iso | grep -m1 '^Date:' | sed 's/^Date:\s*//'`
>     Rev=`date -d "$Date" -u +'%Y%m%d%H%M%S'`

Why won't you just use `git --describe`?
It produces nice version numbers of the format
<last tag>-<number of commits after it>-<start of hash>
(or just <last tag> when you're packaging a release)

The "start of hash" is a way to disambiguate in the case of multiple
branches based on the same release that happen to have the same number
of commits past that it; it will be the minimal repo-wide unambiguous
hash not shorter than (by default) 7 characters.

Unlike homebrewed versioning schemes, this one can be understood by git
without changes, no matter if you say 0.8.0-a0-1247-gf38ef2b, f38ef2b
or f38ef2ba31de828e4b1961efe9b9e3cf91aadea6.

Depending on your upstream's versioning scheme you may want to stick a
tilde somewhere.  For example, if the upstream tagged a branch that is
to-be 0.8 as "0.8.0-a0", you'd want to make that "0.8.0~a0".  This way,
"0.8.0-a0-1247-gf38ef2b" will become "0.8.0~a0-1247-gf38ef2b" and final
"0.8" -- just "0.8.0".

I recommend against using dates to mark revisions, since there probably
will be multiple commits in a single day, so there is no way to tell
which exactly version you did package.

1KB		// Microsoft corollary to Hanlon's razor:
		//	Never attribute to stupidity what can be
		//	adequately explained by malice.

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