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[QA for Htdig] Does KDE rebuild index database?

Dear mentors,

I am preparing a QA revision of Htdig and could use a piece of
information, as KDE is regularly invoking Htdig.

Do KDE users invoke rundig in the daily cron job?

There is an issue with purging and recreating the index database
as the package installed 'rundig' is doing by default. This is the
subject of #233466 and #435242. Presently the package purges and
recreates the databases, unless the administrator manually edits
the script 'rundig'. For large sites, this intervention is most
probably conducted.

I intend to make this into a configurable setting using Debconf,
but would I am slightly inconclusive in choosing the default setting.
To ease transition, it would be best to do

    Ask a debconf question 'htdig/htdig_initial', with default 'true',
    indicating that database rebuild is desirable. Then, at execution
    time, a mechanism that essentially test whether 'false' had been
    stated, and only for this explicit value avoid rebuilding the
    index database from scratch.

Does this seem a sufficiently non-intrusive evolution?

Mats Erik Andersson, fil. dr

Abbonerar på: debian-mentors, debian-devel-games, debian-perl, debian-ipv6

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