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Re: RFS: mscgen

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Y Giridhar Appaji Nag wrote:
> On 09/07/13 23:18 +0200, Niels Thykier said ...
>>> - You've modified the .orig.tar.gz to remove a file that doesn't have license
>>>   information.  In such cases, you should indicate that in the version number
>>>   of the package (by adding a +dfsg1 or such to it).  See also - lintian-info
>>>   for the tag dfsg-version-with-period.
>> Done - I used "+dfsg-<debian-number>" since "+dfsg<debian-version>"
>> wanted me to rename the "orig" to include the deb-version (I assumed it
>>  would make me unable to recycle the orig in case of a debian specific
>> upgrade).
> I don't think you can use "+dfsg<debian-revision>", it would either be
> "+dfsg-<debian-revision>" (like you did) or "+dfsgX-<debian-revision>" where X
> starts from "0".  And you will have to modify X only if find out later that
> you did some mistake in cleaning up for DFSG freeness.  For other debian
> specific upgrades on the same version of the package, you will increment the
> <debian-revision>.
>>> - Please also include a small README.source documenting the above and
>> Added, I decided to include (most of) the dpatch README.source (it
>> seemed to be written for this purpose).
> I tend to just include a pointer on the dpatch README.source rather than
> duplicate that information.  That way people always get the latest info on the
> dpatch usage (if that changes).
>> When I read up on this I noticed that the upgrade checklist [1] uses the
>> word "should" whereas the standard policy [4.14] uses "recommendation" [2].
> Ah, I did not notice that.  Perhaps file a "minor" debian-policy bug?

Actually I think the wording "should" is intentionally used for
"recommended" (or at least not "required"). The upgrade checklist
contains a few lines that "upgrades a should to a must" - like this one [1]:

  * Tighten some format requirements for changelog files from a should
to a must. 		[4.4]

>>>> Though such a change would require that the version number of mscgen was
>>>> lowered. How would I go about doing that in regards to my changelog?
>>>> Merge all entries so far into 0.15-5 (updating svn-releases to patches)?
>>> Yes, you could do that.  As as aside, I don't mind (and infact prefer it) that
>>> you don't add a new changelog stanza every time a new revision of the package
>>> is uploaded to mentors.debian.net
>>> The Priority stills seems to be extra in v0.16-1.  But this will not be a
>>> blocker for our upload.
>> Right, forgot to move that over to the new upstream release build. Fixed
>> it (again).
> I suppose you could've avoided this minor detail if the package was in a VCS
> :-).  Also, the intention behind a new dch stanza for each upload is to show
> changes from the previous revision.  This becomes redundant if the package is
> in VCS.  It also makes life easier for a sponsor to review what changed.
>> It is uploaded on mentors again (0.16+dfsg-1).
> Uploaded, thank you for your work.  Hereafter, do contact me directly for
> sponsorship of updates to the mscgen package.

Will do and thanks for sponsoring.

> I could not include the changelog for 0.15-1 in the changes file (the -v
> option to dpkg-buildpackage needs a valid version number that is present
> _before_ all the stanzas that one wants to include in the .changes file).  You
> will have to mark the bug pending now (see the bts program in the devscripts
> package).  And you will also have to close that bug when the package gets out
> of the NEW queue.

Alright, I already tagged it pending and will keep my eyes open for when
it reaches the mirrors.

> Giridhar


[1] /usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz - under
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