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Re: RFS: airoscript

On Thu, Oct 9, 2008 at 10:24 PM, Felipe Sateler <fsateler@gmail.com> wrote:
> Daniel Moerner wrote:
>> Incidentally, this makefile seems to
>> have some problems with it (it has an empty clean: target, and no
>> .PHONY even though some rules don't create files with their names,
>> like the clean: target).
> And why would that be a problem?

I was under the impression that it's always good practice to have a
.PHONY target in case there accidentally happens to be a file with the
name of a target, like clean, in the working directory.

As far as an empty clean target in the Makefile goes, if you're adding
a Makefile to the .diff.gz, and you have the choice to call make clean
or not call it in debian/rules, it just seems like extraneous cruft to
include a makefile with a clean target that does nothing just so you
can run make clean in debian/rules.

Then again, I am no more an expert in using Makefiles than a DD, so I
may be in the wrong.

Daniel Moerner <dmoerner@gmail.com>

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