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Re: No sponsor found for weeks, what to do now?

Vincent Bernat wrote:

> OoO Lors  de la soirée naissante  du mercredi 27 août  2008, vers 18:24,
> Andreas Schildbach <andreas@schildbach.de> disait :
>> phpmyid - standalone, single user, OpenID identity provider
>> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/p/phpmyid
> You can  try to ask  for sponsorship in  Debian PHP team.  However, this
> team is  essentially dedicated to  maintaining PHP. Therefore, I  am not
> sure that you will get an answer for this one.

I not being a DD have reviewed several php packages on -mentors hoping to
increase a little bit the quality of php packages around but these have so
many 'issues' that I haven't had enough time to write something

Andreas, please don't take these wrong but your packages really need a lot
of changes and reading the documentation and looking at different packages
and even reading the reviews posted for other packages could help you
understand what needs to be changed in your packages. Once they are in a
better shape they could then be polished.

Oh, and of course, here I'm just talking about the Debian packaging, but the
code often needs a review to attempt to prevent security problems right
from the start.

>> wordpress-openid - OpenID consumer plugin for WordPress
>> http://mentors.debian.net/debian/pool/main/w/wordpress-openid
> Wordpress maintainer  may be interested  to help you in  sponsoring this
> package. Unfortunately, Wordpress maintainer is not a DD...

(xlintian is an alias to the dev copy of lintian on my machine, which also
happens to have a couple or more checks that should/will be added to
$ xlintian -I -E *.dsc
I: wordpress-openid source: debian-watch-file-is-missing
I: wordpress-openid source:
package-lacks-versioned-build-depends-on-debhelper 7
I: phpmyid source: package-lacks-versioned-build-depends-on-debhelper 7

$ xlintian -I -E *.changes
X: wordpress-openid: embedded-pear-module
X: wordpress-openid: embedded-pear-module
X: wordpress-openid: embedded-pear-module
X: wordpress-openid: embedded-pear-module
W: wordpress-openid:
E: phpmyid: copyright-should-refer-to-common-license-file-for-gpl

Atomo64 - Raphael

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