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Re: RFS: tkgate (updated package)

OoO Pendant le  journal télévisé du mardi 20 mai  2008, vers 20:55, أحمد
المحمودي <aelmahmoudy@users.sourceforge.net> disait:

> I am looking for a sponsor for the new version 2.0~a11.dfsg.1-1
> of my package "tkgate".

Hi Ahmed!

What about bug #474496? Is it fixed?

> It builds these binary packages:
> tkgate     - Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator
> tkgate-data - Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator
> tkgate-doc - Tcl/Tk based digital circuit editor and simulator

Is the fact that tkgate is  using Tcl/Tk important enough to be included
in the short description? For  an end-user software, this is usually not
the case: don't say that a software  is written in Python or is using QT
as toolkit.

About your lintian override for tree.tcl, you can also patch the file to
remove the she-bang. But a lintian override is valid for me.

uscan does not find the version  you are packaging. You should update it
to let  him find the correction version.  I think that you  will have to
use mangling options too.

The package looks fine otherwise.
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