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Re: Re: rfs: gtkvncviewer

        > Now I only see two minor lintian warnings:
        > $ lintian -I ../gtkvncviewer_0.2.3-1_i386.changes 
        > I: gtkvncviewer source: build-depends-without-arch-dep 
	> python-central
        > I: gtkvncviewer: 
	> desktop-entry-contains-encoding-key
	> /usr/share/applications/data/gtkvncviewer.desktop:2 Encoding

From Lintian user's manual:

"Info (I)
        The displayed message is meant to inform the maintainer about a
        certain packaging aspect. Such messages do not usually indicate
        errors, but might still be of interest to the curious."

Doesn't that mean there's nothing to fix? In this case, yes, I have a
build dependency while my package is architecture independent, but
that's how python-central i think; and yes I have an "Encoding" key in
my .desktop file, but that's for specifying that the translations in the
Description field are in UTF-8; i don't see these as problems.

Again, thank you for your help.

Clement Lorteau
www.lorteau.fr | launchpad.net/~northern-lights

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