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Re: Default admin password for a webapp

Xavier Luthi <xavier@caroxav.be> writes:

> I'm currently packaging pixelpost (ITP #470214) which is a photoblog
> application written in php and using mysql. The installation process
> requires to create an 'admin' account in the database with, of
> course, a password.

Apparently based on the assumption that the installation will in all
cases be monitored by a person babysitting the installation process.

> My question is: what do you think is the best solution to set this
> password?

Since the above assumption is not necessarily true on a Debian system,
and (as you point out) a debconf query for the password might not be
answered at install time, you should have the package installed such
that it allows *no* access until the password is chosen by the

> One solution, the easiest on the package development point of view,
> is to set a default password documented in the README.Debian. Of
> course, this is not beautiful and can be a security issue,
> especially if the user doesn't change it immediately...

I would modify "can be" to "is definitely" a security issue. Don't do
that. Installing applications with default passwords is not a valid
approach for a 21st century package.

Instead, in the absence of explicitly choosing a password, the
application should be installed such that it will deny authentication
until such a password is explicitly chosen.

 \           "I got a postcard from my best friend, it was a satellite |
  `\      picture of the entire Earth. On the back he wrote, 'Wish you |
_o__)                                   were here'."  -- Steven Wright |
Ben Finney

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