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RFS: album

Hi mentors,

I need a sponsor for my package "album", available in this URL:


This package was orphan (#430982). Some data about the package:

Description: HTML photo album generator with theme support
 Album is a perl script that can create HTML photo albums for your
 directories of images. It supports themes that determine the visual
 appearance of the albums. Album creates thumbnails if necessary, and
 'medium sized' versions of images for web viewing to avoid large
 downloads of original images. You can also customize your photo
 albums in many other ways.
 This program don't require an web server to work. After to generate
 the HTML, you can put it in your "www" directory.
 Screenshot: http://www.eriberto.pro.br/debian/screenshots/album.jpg

The new changelog:

  * New upstream release.
  * New maintainer (Closes: #430982, #338696).
  * Cleaned the manpage head (removed the Debian template part).
  * Changed section from extra to optional in debian/control.
  * Changed Build-Depends and Standards-Version in debian/control to
bring up to date these fields.
  * Added Vcs-Svn, Vcs-Browser and Homepage fields in debian/control.
  * Added screenshot in long description in debian/control.
  * Removed the last paragraph of the debian/control (license
considerations). Please, read debian/copyright to see details about the
program license. (Closes: #361272)
  * Inserted the new maintainer in debian/copyright. Lines were adjusted
to 80 columns.
  * Removed original debian/README.Debian. This file are used to speak
about the album themes. The themes are an independent tarball now.
  * Cleaned and adjusted the debian/rules file.
  * Removed debian/{prerm,postinst} files.
  * Added debian/compat file.
  * Added the upstream changelog obtained from program website.
  * In previous versions (not released in Debian):
    - 3.13: Fix for medium_scale_opts (Thanks Glyn Davies, agdavies
gmail com) (Closes: #280711).
    - 3.11: Changed ffmpeg option from singlejpeg to mjpeg, ffmpeg also
now handles mp4 (Closes: #431693).
    - 3.05: Fixed pImage_Src bug in deprecated theme API code for older
style themes (Closes: #280720).
    - 3.05: Gracefully handles missing thumbnail/ffmpeg errors (Closes:

To contacte me, send a mail to eriberto@eriberto.pro.br or

Thanks in advance.


Eriberto - Brazil

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