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Re: Help with -dbg packages for a library

On Fri, Aug 31, 2007 at 10:57:55AM -0400, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> So I think there should be no performance difference between running
> with the libraries compiled without -g, compiled with -g, compiled
> with -g and stripped, and compiled with -g and debug symbols/sections
> moved to a separate file.

Thanks for the detailed explanation.

> It would be neat if you could compare the ELF files using binutils
> tools.

I didn't do that, but ran some tests myself (it's a mathematical
library), and concluded that there's little to chose from between -g +
stripping and no debug+no stripping.


Kumar Appaiah,
458, Jamuna Hostel,
Indian Institute of Technology Madras,
Chennai - 600 036

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