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Re: RFC on tuned version of Ogg Vorbis

On Wed, Feb 21, 2007 at 04:43:37AM -0200, Rogério Brito wrote:
> Please let me know what you think. I am looking for constructive
> criticism and since this pair of packages actually contain a library
> (which I am not used to packaging), I would welcome any comments.
> Other comments are also quite welcome.

oggenc-aotuv declares both compat 5 (in debian/compat) and compat 4
(in debian/rules).  It build-depends on libcurl3-dev instead of
libcurl3-gnutls-dev | libcurl-dev, and it contains files with the same
name as files in the vorbis-tools package without a Replaces or
Conflicts declaration.

Now the really bright side:

encoding oggs with oggenc-aotuv -q6 seems to produce oggs that plays
back properly on my Samsung YP-U2, while using the normal oggenc with
-q6 for a very small amount of tunes produces oggs that the Samsung
cannot playback without distortion (I have been able to reproduce these
distortions on other portable oggplayers too, but not on a regular
computer with ogg123 or similar).

Regards: David
 /) David Weinehall <tao@debian.org> /) Rime on my window           (\
//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   //  Diamond-white roses of fire //
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