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Re: Dependency on Package where Upstream License Changed to Non-Free


> > The source of the EPS lib is contained in the UMLet release
> Then it's not an external dependency, you have a fork. A fork that is -
> and therefore will remain - GPL. What you may miss out on are updates,
> that's all.

It was shipped with UMLet only for convenience. But since jibble no
longer releases the file under GPL, this seems to be the only place were
to get it.

> >      2. Ship the EPS library as part of the UMLet package.
> Keep the GPL code already within UMLet, create a new home for it -
> say on SourceForge - as a fork. Future upstream releases can be
> assessed when the time comes.

I am reluctant to take over upstream maintenance of the EPS library. 

> >      3. Create a new package containing only the EPS library.
> Why? Is any other package likely to use it? What would be gained? I
> can't see that is worthwhile paying for the current version to go into
> non-free and moving your package to contrib.

What I meant here, is taking the source of the EPS library shipped with
UMLet and create a package from that one. So basically doing a fork,
without providing a new upstream, instead considering the UMLet
distribution as upstream. This would lead to having a source package
UMLet and the two binary packages libeps and umlet.
The library sounds useful for others too, but this is only a theoretical

> > What would you suggest?

> Personally, 2. Fork it.

Thanks Neil for your input.

After considering your arguments and my requirements, I've decided not
to create a separate package for the EPS lib. I will consider it to be a
part of UMLet. The reason for this is, that if UMLet upstream decides to
replace or remove the EPS part (and drops it from their distribution) I
won't have a library package without an upstream maintainer left.

Regards Ben

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