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Re: Dependency on Package where Upstream License Changed to Non-Free

On Tue, 05 Dec 2006 21:33:58 +0100
Benjamin Mesing <bensmail@gmx.net> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am in the process of packaging UMLet [1] which depends on the external
> library EPS Graphics2d [2]. Apparantly that libray used to be available
> under GPL but is now distributed on a commercial basis.

mentions dual-licencing but this particular package is not listed as
dual-licenced. However, if you have or can find a GPL copy, then the
GPL allows you to continue using that copy without needing the non-free
licence. Make sure that's documented in the debian/copyright.

> The source of the EPS lib is contained in the UMLet release

Then it's not an external dependency, you have a fork. A fork that is -
and therefore will remain - GPL. What you may miss out on are updates,
that's all.

A GPL package cannot be removed from the GPL, whatever was the last
release under the GPL will always be GPL software. It is future releases
that may be affected but the licence text on the website appears to
indicate that future releases may return to being dual-licenced.

> I can see three possibles ways to go on:
>      1. Rip the EPS part out of UMLet (it's used only for the EPS export
>         and removing EPS support is a straightforward task).

Do this if the loss of future updates is expected to be a significant
problem (i.e. if the library is buggy or incomplete.)

>      2. Ship the EPS library as part of the UMLet package.

Keep the GPL code already within UMLet, create a new home for it -
say on SourceForge - as a fork. Future upstream releases can be
assessed when the time comes.

>      3. Create a new package containing only the EPS library.

Why? Is any other package likely to use it? What would be gained? I
can't see that is worthwhile paying for the current version to go into
non-free and moving your package to contrib.

> What would you suggest?

Personally, 2. Fork it.

This is one of those times when a fork (often seen as a bad thing) is
actually a very good thing.


Neil Williams

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