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RFC/RFS: rosegarden4: music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer

I intend to adopt rosegarden4.  The ITA is here:



Description: music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer
 Rosegarden4 is a KDE application which provides a mixed Audio/MIDI
 sequencer (for playback and recording), a multi-track editor, music
 editing using both piano-roll and score notation, MIDI file IO,
 lilypond and Csound files export, etc.
 Rosegarden4 is a complete rewrite of the old rosegarden application,
 available in the "rosegarden" debian package.


I have prepared packages and they are available here:

deb http://vireo.org/debian/rosegarden4/binary/
deb-src http://vireo.org/debian/rosegarden4/source/

Here is my changelist:

 rosegarden4 (1.2.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
   * New Maintainer (Closes: #352541)
   * New upstream version
   * No longer building a verbose debug version (Closes: #311087)
   * Fixed typo in manpage (Closes: #341660)
   * Split arch-indep files into a rosegarden4-data pacakge (Closes: #233437)
   * The upstream menu icon is now included (Closes: #299390)
   * Moved jackd from Depends: to Recommends: (Closes: #219286)


I would appreciate any comments anyone may have on my packaging. 

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