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Re: RFS: anaconda (updated:

On 9/13/06, Margarita Manterola <margamanterola@gmail.com> wrote:

What I don't understand is how come the "Red Hat Installation Program
(Anaconda)" only builds a couple of packages that check for md5sums...
I gather there has to be much more to an installer than just checking
an md5sum.

Please see the ITP[1]. Debian already has a perfectly good installer,
and porting Anaconda itself to Debian would amount to a monumental
project (c/t Progeny).  I could have ripped the isomd5sum bits out of
the anaconda tarball and packaged that, but that would have amounted
to a fork, which I didn't see as necessary.

Thank you,
Ryan Finnie

[1] http://bugs.debian.org/376187

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