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All files are in DESTDIR but non will be copied into the packages

Hi all,

I try to create packages for sipX from sipfoundry.org. This is a PBX like asterisk and is composed of a few subprojects like sipXportLib, sipXtackLib...
I now tried to create a package for sipXportLib.
What I have done up to now:
1. Read http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ completely :-)
2. executed dh_make -e <my email address>
3. filled files like copyright, control and so on with useful information
4. tried to build it via dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
This has completed successfully, but inside the packages data.tar.gz ins nearly empty. There exists only parts of the data that belongs to the debian subdirectory (like usr/share/doc/sipxportlib/copyright). No libs, nothing. The same for the -dev package: No documentation, include files and so on. If I look now to the debian subdirectory, there are three subdirectories tmp (which is my DESTDIR in the rules file), sipxportlib and sipxportlib-dev. The last two only contain the same files as in the packages. What can I do to add the files from DESTDIR to the two packages? - I thought <package-name>.dirs and <package-name>.files are handling this.



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