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Re: Pulling X11 dependency out of the Erlang package.

Justin Pryzby wrote:
On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 10:12:13AM -0400, Fran?ois-Denis Gonthier wrote:
- Make a new version of the main package with the X11 dependency removed. Some package works that way (example: ocaml-base vs. ocaml-base-nox).

Its not clear to me what you mean.  Do you mean, build two erlang
binary packages, which Conflict: with each other, and which are the
same at the text-based level, but one additionally includes the gui
tk?  This seems like a less optimal solution than the previous one.
It unnecessarily duplicates the text-based components in two packages.


"ocaml-nox" contains the text-based tools for ocaml and "ocaml" only contains the additionnal libraries which need X (and depends on ocaml-nox).



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