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Re: curious deb installation


When I unpack debian packages, they have the following structure:
	\- control.tar.gz
	\- data.tar.gz
	\- debian-version

In control.tar.gz are the postinst, etc. files, in data.tar.gz are all the
"normal" files.  debian-version is just a number.

To see this, unpack a package of your choice with
ar x package.deb
Note that that unpacks in the current directory, so go somewhere where that is
no problem.

Is there any reason you don't want to use dpkg-buildpackage, by the way?  I
can't think of a good reason not to...

On Fri, Sep 09, 2005 at 09:38:18AM +0200, Roland Pontes wrote:
> Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig 
> Abh?ngigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut... Fertig 
> Die folgenden NEUEN Pakete werden installiert: 
> ordnername 
> 0 aktualisiert, 1 neu installiert, 0 zu entfernen und 0 nicht aktualisiert. 
> Es m?ssen noch 0B von 662B Archiven geholt werden. 
> Nach dem Auspacken werden 0B Plattenplatz zus?tzlich benutzt. 

It would probably be a good idea to unset your locale setting when pasting
such results to an international mailing list.  Many people here will not
speak german and therefore understand only part of it.


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