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Re: Packages which need themselves to compile?

On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 18:22 +0100, David Given wrote:
> This isn't directly a Debian packaging question, but it's related, and it may 
> at some point in the future become a packaging question.
> I'm taking on maintainership of a very large and gnarly project, a compiler 
> toolchain. Parts of the toolchain need other parts to build.
> Some parts require *themselves* to build. For example, there's a Bison-like 
> parser generator called llgen whose input scripts are parsed using an 
> llgen-generated parser.
> How does Debian deal with packages like this? 

I don't think this has much to do with Debian. If there is a
Debian issue, it will be with the toolchain build scripts
assuming previously built components are installed.

That cannot be allowed, the build must proceed without
ever installing anything: if you really need something
installed you will need to provide a separate package,
and then the build interaction cannot be cyclic.

Otherwise, if you have a cyclic process in the build,
then there is no alternative than to provide an initial
value for it, hopefully one such that the recursion
fixes fairly quickly .. 

BTW: is this vbccz you're talking about?

John Skaller <skaller at users dot sourceforge dot net>
Download Felix: http://felix.sf.net

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