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Re: splat package

David Clarke wrote on 01/05/2005 09:09:
> Hi again,
>     Modified my package as was suggested, so that now the Debian
> structure is separate.  Just wondering as per last time, if someone
> could have a look over the package.
> The files are at http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=628
> The 0.2 release is the fixed release.

Try using linda and lintian to get it into shape:

#> lintian -i splat_0.2-1_i386.changes
W: splat source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.6.0
N:   The source package refers to a 'Standards-Version' that is starting
N:   to get out of date, compared to current Policy. You can safely
N:   ignore this warning, but please consider updating the package to
N:   current Policy.

3.6.1 is current, fyi.

E: splat source:
depends-on-build-essential-package-without-using-version make
[build-depends: make]
N:   The package declares a depends on a build essential package without
N:   using a versioned depends. In general a package should not depend on
N:   build essential packages but if it must do so, the depends should have
N:   a version string.
N:   Refer to Policy Manual, section 4.2 for details.

This simply means that you don't need (and actually shouldn't)
build-depend on packages which are installed as dependencies of
"build-essential". Remove "make" from the list of build-dependencies and
you are done with this error.

W: splat: unquoted-string-in-menu-item /usr/lib/menu/splat needs:2
N:   The menu item includes a tag with an unquoted string like
N:   section=Games instead of section="Games". This is deprecated. Use a
N:   quoted string instead.
N:   Refer to menu 3.2 for details.
W: splat: unquoted-string-in-menu-item /usr/lib/menu/splat section:2

You should quote "X11" and "Apps/Technical".

With the current version, linda doesn't report anything lintian didn't
report, but that's not always the case (and vice-versa).


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