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Re: Looking for an advocate

On Wed, Feb 23, 2005 at 10:12:19AM +0100, Nico Golde wrote:
> * Shachar Shemesh <debian@shemesh.biz> [2005-02-23 09:52]:
> > For those so versed in the jargon soup that the last sentence did not sound strange to 
> > them, it was supposed to be ironic (despite being factually true).
> yes i know this problem too. at the beginning of my debian
> envolvement i had big problems with it to. i know there are
> many places which explain dam, am etc. but i think it would
> be great to have a list with this acronyms on a special page
> in the new maintainer documentation.
> i would write one other people think the same about this.

Ask, and ye shall be answered: the debian-women project has been hard at
work producing a "Debian Dictionary".  http://women.alioth.debian.org/dicts/
Multiple languages and all.  It's not women-specific, it just happened to
come out of discussions on d-women, so they've kind of run with it.  If
you've got any suggestions for improvements, I'm sure they'd love to hear

- Matt

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