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helping script


I have used many GNU/Linux systems for 8 years, but only very recently I 
"found" Debian, or at least the real wonder it is :)
I would like to start the process of becoming a DD as soon as possible, so I 
want to learn how to package.
So, I wrote the following script in order to help me finding the dependencies 
of an application/library. It (hopefully) outputs all needed libraries 
package names sorted and with no duplicates.
I'd like to ask the experienced developers if it outputs the correct 
information and if it can be improved (example of usage: deps /usr/bin/kcalc)

tmpfile=~/.dependencies-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M).tmp
for dep in $(objdump -p $1 | grep NEEDED | cut -c 15-)
        dpkg -S $dep | cut --delimiter=":" -f -1 >> $tmpfile
sort < $tmpfile | uniq
rm -f $tmpfile

I'll try to find a sponsor as soon as I have my first package ready.

Thank you

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