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Re: RFC: KBoincSpy package

El Sábado, 22 de Enero de 2005 22:14, Frank S. Thomas escribió:
> Hi mentors,
>  I have packaged KBoincSpy[0] for Debian. KBoincSpy is a KDE based
> monitoring utility for the BOINC[1] client. BOINC itself is the software
> platform for distributed computing that is used by projects like SETI@home,
> Climateprediction.net or Einstein@home.
>  KBoincSpy is the successor of KSetiSpy, a monitoring utility for the old
> classic SETI@home client, and IMHO the best BOINC GUI for Unix-like
> operating systems. Its plugin based design makes it very flexible and the
> use of KIO slaves even let you monitor remote clients.

I remember with happiness when I was new to free software, and used seti at 
home, and KSetiSpy. I liked it a lot, and KBoincSpy looks greater, now that 
the framework is free software.

I hope you have time to make KBoincSpy enter Debian. Since I don't see replies 
in debian-mentors to your request, I suggest you to also ask for a sponsor in 
debian-qt-kde, or a debian mailinglist in your language, if exists (in my 
case I have debian-devel-spanish :-)).

>  As I said before, I have packaged KBoincSpy for Debian and would
> appreciate it if someone could have a look at this package. Source and
> binary-i386 packages are available at my private repository:
> deb     http://www.thomas-alfeld.de/frank/download/debian/ ./
> deb-src http://www.thomas-alfeld.de/frank/download/debian/ ./

Unfortunately, I'm not a Debian Developer, so I can not sponsor you, but I 
have some small comments:

- You include some changes directly in the diff; some are generated, like the 
ones in Makefile.in's, and some in cpp sources. For some people, is OK to 
include the files generated by automake and autoconf (thiw way, you don't 
need to build-depend on them), but I don't see a good idea to modify directly 
the sources.

Normally a sponsor will check better for malicious or improper changes if you 
don't modify directly the sources. I suggest you to create a patchsystem, and 
put your changes in debian/patches. You can use other package as a example. I 
copied a lot of code of the KDE packages in kxmleditor.

- The package recommends boinc-client, but where is this package available? A 
comment in the description, or in README.Debian, will be great for a BOINC 

- The override for 'desktop-file-in-wrong-dir' is unneeded if you patch the 
Makefile.am for installing in the xdg_apps directory (which is correct, of 
course). It was a small lintian bug, and in the next version, will not 
complain about the other desktop files.


Alex (a.k.a. suy) - GPG ID 0x0B8B0BC2
http://darkshines.net/ - Jabber ID: suy@bulmalug.net

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