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Re: best way to announce important changes

Christoph Wegscheider <wegi@despammed.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I maintain the rsnapshot package, which is a perl script for backups.
> In the next upstream version there will be changes which WILL break
> almost all setups. One has to modify the conf file to avoid that. 

Is it a conffile or just a configuration file?

> According to the developer reference (6.3.4) such changes should be
> mentioned in the News.Debian file. I think that's not enough, because
> if one doesn't change the conf file rsnapshot will not fail, but will
> do things (most likely) not wanted by the user. Therefor I intend do
> show a warning with debconf. 

Depending on the severity of "not wanted", you could simply disable the
script until the configuration file has been fixed.

Regards, Frank
Frank Küster
Inst. f. Biochemie der Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer

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