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RFS: vnStat


I'm looking for a sponsor for vnStat.

Package:     vnstat
Version:     1.3
Upstream:    Teemu Toivola <vergo@humdi.net>
URL:         http://humdi.net/vnstat/
License:     GPL
Description: Console-based network traffic monitor

 vnStat is a network traffic monitor for Linux that keeps a log of daily
 network traffic for the selected interface(s). vnStat isn't a packet
 sniffer. The traffic information is analyzed from the /proc -filesystem,
 so vnStat can be used without root permissions.

The package is linda and lintian clean. You can find it here:

 deb http://humdi.net/vnstat/debian/ ./
 deb-src http://humdi.net/vnstat/debian/ ./

- Teemu Toivola - email: vergo(a)humdi.net - irc: Vergo -

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