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Re: reactivate myself

On Wed, Mar 17, 2004 at 05:06:04AM -0500, Brian Russo wrote:
> Seriously though, Any AM's around?

<quietly raises hand>

It's not an AM you've got to convince, though.  Front Desk and the keyring
maintainer would be the people you'd have to convince that whatever
authentication method you were going to use was appropriate.

Personally, I think that a copy of photo identification, certified and
endorsed by a public notary that the person providing the key fingerprint
and identity documents to them looked like the photo in the identification,
should probably be appropriate, as long as the public notary can be
authenticated independently.  I believe there are registries of notaries
kept by their certifying authorities, so that part can be completed.

It certainly isn't as secure as personal contact, and may not be
particularly wonderful, but it's better than what was previously accepted -
a scanned copy of photo ID signed by the GPG key in question, which is
useless for actual identity verification.

- Matt

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