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Re: RFS: truncate (now it's free, for real!)

Luca Pasquali wrote:
[... about truncate...]
Maybe you could try reimplementing (some) of that as a shell script
using dd. That way, you'd cut down on the packaging overhead. Also, if
there's more stuff like that, it might eventually be worth considering
having a package for the whole bunch.

> I'm not a programmer, I mainly use console to do network
> Is this a bad approach to debian maintainig? I mean dealing with
> packages you don't use.
The problem is that maintaining includes handling bug reports. This in
turn means that you cannot properly maintain packages where you're
completely unfamiliar with the usage of the package or don't have a clue
 when looking at its code.


Thomas Viehmann, <http://beamnet.de/tv/>

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