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Re: subdirectories in /usr/lib/cgi-bin? (and html-pages)

In message <Pine.LNX.4.10.10305201713360.18756-100000@flipflop.ieee.uow.edu.au>
 you write:
> Nooooooooooooooo.  /usr/share/doc must be removable without any untoward
> effects on the operation of the system.  /usr/share/<packagename> is the
> place to be, with an appropriate alias linking (probably)
> http://localhost/<packagename>/ to /usr/share/<packagename>.

Is there a standard way of adding an alias?

Otherwise it seems as if adding the link would be web-server specific.

Unless the link is put directly in /var/www, which the policy think
is bad (or at least not good). I mean, /var/www could contain just about
anything, including something that was named '/var/www/packagename'.

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