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Library version naming/sonames

I'm packing libzthread (known to the outside world as ZThread), and I 
have a question over the correct name to give the package.

The current version of ZThread is 2.2.11, and the soname for this is 9. 
I'm really confused over the right name for this.

Should it be:

or something entirely different? This is kind of weird, and ZThread is 
one of the first libraries I've tried to package that has a soname that 
is so different from the major version number. What it actually looks 
like in /usr/lib:

libZThread-2.2.so.9.0.2 (the actual library)
libZThread-2.2.so.9 (symlink to the actual library)
libZThread.so (symlink to libZThread-2.2.so.9)
(besides those, there's the .la and the .a):

How exactly should I resolve this naming difficulty?

You said homosexuals form a small percentage of the population.  So
do Jews.  Is that a reason to deny someone equality?
 - Richard Marceau

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