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Best Way to Fix Package Icon

The package I am working on has an existing icon neatly installed by the
upstream Makefile; the problem is it is a 48x48 png instead of a 32x32
xpm as Debian Policy requires.

The Makefile automatically installs this png as:


I have modified it to the right size and created a new image:


I can then use the build scripts to copy it to the appropriate
directory.  However, I need to get rid of the old icon file.  What is
the best way to fix this?  Modify the Makefile to not install it?  Or is
it best to keep my fingers out of the source for the program as much as
possible and delete it with the build scripts?

If I modify the Makefile I could easily have it install the 'fixed' icon
instead.  Is that the best solution perhaps?

Daniel E. Markle

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