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Re: Testing pbuilt packages (Was: Is sid recommended?)

> pbuilder has a login feature that allows me to get a shell inside the
> chroot, but I'm not sure how to get my package in there. I can copy it
> in from outside, but I belive the location of the chroot changes every
> time. It looks like all the hooks get called inside the chroot, so I
> suspect that won't work. Is there some other way to handle this
> automatically?
First: Be warened NOT to mount --bind anything inside the pbuilder chroot.

Then you can just copy your stuff to /var/cache/pbuilder/build/PID/tmp/ (or
whatever your build directory is) and run it there.
You'll probably want to amend your password list to get a user, too.
To get the packages, I prefer a local apt repository (via mini-dinstall) that is
accessible through apache. Additionally I've removed the X option to not listen
on TCP. I do a "xhost +localhost" to then be able to access X. (Probably copying
the .Xauthority is better though.) Previously I mounted /tmp/.X11-unix with
--bind, but it was to annoying to restart X every time I forgot to unmount
before exiting the pbuilder chroot.



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