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Re: Build-Depends on source of a different package?


> If you're wondering: The package in question would be exim v4 with the
> exiscan patch applied. - It cannot simply be built from the exim4
> source-package because the patch is released more often than exim
> itself (current-version is already 4.12-24).

Hrm, what does it need the patch for. I can understand that
configuration file changes might be needed, but a patch? Would it be
possible (in cooperation with upstream) to split the package into stuff
that can be applied upstream, does not change often and can be
optionally switched on an off ("stable API") and stuff that changes
often and thus should not be compiled directly into a mission critical
piece of software anyway?

Since there will probably be multiple exim packages, this would
effectively double their number again (exim4-tls-ldap-noexiscan, sigh).
So it would be better to have a real virus scanner API and make exiscan
plug into that instead of inventing workarounds for broken design.


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