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Re: Sponsor for adopted library (xalan)

On Sat, 4 Jan 2003 23:32, Berin Lautenbach wrote:
> 3.  There is a package called libapache-mod-xslt that is created from
> Xalan.  The mod_xslt that is used is a sample in the source code.  I.e.
> I do not believe it was not something the developers ever envisaged as
> being a fully supported module - rather it was an example as to how
> someone might go about setting up such a thing.
> Is this a good thing?  Should a package be something that is known to be
> fully supported to get into stable?

Is the module useful?  Sample code that can not be used in the real world 
should not be compiled and shipped in binary form.

As for being supported, as long as YOU are willing to support it then there's 
no problem.  We ship many things that the upstream doesn't support.  Many 
Debian packages have features that the upstream authors don't like.

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