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Re: Converting dpkg-conffile in postinst

Marc> Netbase does indeed convert /etc/network/interface on upgrade,
Marc> but that is not a dpkg-conffile.

Matt> And it should not be a dpkg conffile if it is modified by
Matt> maintainer scripts.

Marc> When I tried it, dpkg replaced the conffile in place with the
Marc> new version from the package before my conversion script was
Marc> called.
Marc> So I am still looking for a package that converts a
Marc> dpkg-conffile during postinst.

Matt> If you find any, be sure to file a bug, because this is
Matt> forbidden.

Matt> http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-files.html#s-config-files

Matt> The easy way to achieve this behavior is to make the
Matt> configuration file a conffile. This is appropriate only if it is
Matt> possible to distribute a default version that will work for most
Matt> installations, although some system administrators may choose to
Matt> modify it. This implies that the default version will be part of
Matt> the package distribution, and MUST NOT BE MODIFIED BY THE
Matt> MAINTAINER SCRIPTS during installation (or at any other time).

Are you missing Marc's point?  What do you advise him to do, when his
upstream changed the file format?

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A. I did not vote for Emperor Bush.
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