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Re: inclusion of a debian dir in upstream src

On Tue, Sep 24, 2002 at 04:34:29PM -0700, Sam Powers wrote:
> Is it a good idea to keep a debian directory upstream? I have CVS access,
> so I think it'd make it easier for me, and also for others who want to
> build custom debs, if the debian files were in CVS.

> If anyone who's gone this route before has any tips, I'd appreciate
> hearing from them.

If you treat the package as a native package, this ties your hands and
the hands of your upstream, because Debian-specific changes must then be
tied to upstream releases.

If you don't treat the package as a native package, having a debian
directory upstream can be high maintenance, because every time your
changes to this directory are incorporated upstream, you have to rework
your Debian diff.gz to account for this.

I generally think having debian/ upstream is more trouble than it's
worth.  The one package I work on that carries a debian/ directory
upstream puts it elsewhere, where it doesn't conflict with official
Debian work.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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