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Private gnupg key los :-O, keysign request


I recently had my machine crashed, and after the backup my ~/.gnupg
directory was missing - so I had to create a new keypair, leaving the
key in the debian keyring useless.

What should I do to get the key replaced? I assume it has to be signed by a
debian developer, but afterwards?

Any debian developer near Salzburg, Austria, willing to sign my key?

Thanks for any information,
Andreas Rottmann     | Dru@ICQ        | 118634484@ICQ | a.rottmann@gmx.at
Georg-Rendlweg 28    | A-5111 Bürmoos | Austria       | Europe
http://yi.org/rotty  | GnuPG Key: http://yi.org/rotty/gpg.asc
Fingerprint          | 3E9A C485 49A4 1D17 2EA7  2BA7 22AE C9BF 8173 6279

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