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Re: Plugins: proper way to change ld.so search path for a single binary

Arthur Korn <arthur@korn.ch> writes:

> BTW: I'd really like to know _why_ lintian considers rpath to be
> 'generally a bad thing'.

rpath caused a bit of pain when Debian upgraded from libc5 to libc6.
libc6's ld.so can tell the difference between otherwise identical
libraries that have been compiled for libc5 and libc6, like xlib6 and
xlib6g, and searches for the right one.

If a program is compiled with rpath, ld.so will load the library there
no matter what.  If that's the libc6 library and it's a libc5 binary,
you get a crash fairly quickly.  Quite a few X11 programs had rpath
specified when xlib6 shifted from /usr/X11R6/lib to make way for
xlib6g, which was at least slightly annoying.

That's why.

	 Carey Evans  http://home.clear.net.nz/pages/c.evans/

  "As I understand it, gnus is emacs. Thus gnus is Evil Incarnate."
                                                       - Jasper Janssen

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