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Perl dependencies.


I probably have a trivial question but this really annoys me!

When I run lintian on the program I'm packaging (webmin,
see http://www.webmin.com/webmin) I got the following errors.
I find it very strange because there is a such dependencies line in the
control file.

--- snip from control---
Package: webmin
Architecture: all
Depends: perl5|perl5-thread|perl-5.004|perl-5.005|perl-5.005-thread
Suggests: libnet-ssleay-perl
Description: Web based administration interface.
 A web-based administration interface for Unix systems...
--- end snip----

--- snip from lintain output ----
W: webmin: perl-script-needs-dependency "perl5|perl5-thread|perl-5.004|perl-5.005|perl-5.005-thread" ./usr/share/webmin/web-lib.pl use Sys::Hostname
W: webmin: perl-script-needs-dependency "perl5|perl5-thread|perl-5.004|perl-5.005|perl-5.005-thread" ./usr/share/webmin/useradmin/edit_user.cgi require 'timelocal.pl'
W: webmin: perl-script-needs-dependency "perl5|perl5-thread|perl-5.004|perl-5.005|perl-5.005-thread" ./usr/share/webmin/software/slackware-lib.pl use POSIX
W: webmin: perl-script-needs-dependency "perl5|perl5-thread|perl-5.004|perl-5.005|perl-5.005-thread" ./usr/share/webmin/majordomo/save_info.cgi require 'ctime.pl'
W: webmin: perl-script-needs-dependency "perl5|perl5-thread|perl-5.004|perl-5.005|perl-5.005-thread" ./usr/share/webmin/squid/start.cgi use POSIX
W: webmin: perl-script-needs-dependency "perl5|perl5-thread|perl-5.004|perl-5.005|perl-5.005-thread" ./usr/share/webmin/useradmin/save_user.cgi require 'timelocal.pl'
--- end snip
there is more...

Suggestions are very welcome!

// Ola

//                      Ola Lundqvist                     \\
/    olalu526@student.liu.se       Björnkärrsgatan 5 A.11   \
|    opal@lysator.liu.se           584 36 LINKÖPING         |
\    http://h82.ryd.student.liu.se +46 (0)13-17 69 83       /
\\   UIN/icq: 4912500              +46 (0)70-332 1551      //

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