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Re: Help with Bug #58648

[I am Cc:ing to debian-mentors.  Hope that does not bother you.]

On Mon, Apr 10, 2000 at 03:02:21AM -0700, Seth R Arnold wrote:

> Could you change the "Suggests: prcs-el" to "Recommends: prcs-el"? I
> forget how apt handles each of these... One way to fix the
> upgrade-specific problem would be to include a "Depends:" on prcs-el,
> but this will likely upset quite a few people that don't actually have
> to do the upgrade.. :)

I much prefer the "Suggests: prcs-el".  The other options sound too
authoritarian for me.

> Another thought -- could you have in the preinst for prcs some commands
> that would delete the prcs.elc and 50prcs.el files from the path that
> xemacs20 plays with? 

I also think that this will fix the problem.  I will try that. Thanks.

> It would seem to me that this would be the thing to
> do; if the user wanted the emacs stuff, they would install prcs-el. If
> they don't want, then prcs should trash it. 


> (But it might be a good idea
> for prcs to check if prcs-el is already installed before deleting files.
> :)

There is no danger here, as the files have different names: 50prcs.el for
the prcs package and 50prcs-el.el for prcs-el.

Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@debian.org>

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