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Re: conflict/replace/provide

On Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 01:45:15PM -0500, Shaleh wrote:
> > joy:/usr/src/xpm# dpkg -i libxpm4_3.4j-1_i386.deb
> > dpkg: considering removing xpm4g in favour of libxpm4 ...
> > dpkg: no, cannot remove xpm4g (--auto-deconfigure will help):
> >  wmaker depends on xpm4g (>= 3.4j-0)
> >   xpm4g is to be removed.
> > dpkg: regarding libxpm4_3.4j-1_i386.deb containing libxpm4:
> >  libxpm4 conflicts with xpm4g
> >   xpm4g (version 3.4j-0.6) is installed.
> > dpkg: error processing libxpm4_3.4j-1_i386.deb (--install):
> >  conflicting packages - not installing libxpm4
> > Errors were encountered while processing:
> >  libxpm4_3.4j-1_i386.deb
> Sounds like the ever popular "I need versioned provides".

Why does it have to be *versioned*? It is logical that when you
depend on some package without version, you depend on every available
version of that package. It would be normal to presume that if
you provide some package without, you provide every available version
of that package, wouldn't it?

Anyhow, this is dpkg's fault, and I can't do anything in the package
to fix it?

> Mind stating why debhelper is stupid?  Many packages seem to like it. 
> Suggestions on "fixing" it I am sure would not go on deaf ears.

Would I convert the package to debhelper if I thought that debhelper
is stupid? :) I just noticed how abnormally dh_installdirs behaves
in different situations. For example, when called with -plibxpm4 <dir>
it will not create debian/libxpm4/<dir>, but debian/tmp/<dir>. But,
a line just after that, when I call it with -plibxpm4-dev <dir>, it
creates debian/libxpm4-dev/<dir>.
And when I try that same thing in another target, it will create
debian/package/<dir>, and wouldn't even think about debian/tmp/.

I've read numerous dh_* manpages (and debhelper(1)) and found no
exact definition on what it does. And it was easier for me to work
around the problem than to go investigate in some perl scripts...

However, considering how my whole debian/rules file looks, I'd rather
say that dh_installdirs is a utility, not a wizard stick :)

enJoy -*/\*- http://jagor.srce.hr/~jrodin/

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