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Re: PGP and verifying ids / emails

On Fri, Jul 30, 1999 at 01:29:35AM -0500, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>         This is quite confused. The fingerprint is of the public key
>  (or else how do you check it? No one should be giving anyone a look
>  at the private key at all).

Thats exactly what I meant.

>         I think you are missing something. See, I meet John Smith. He
>  shows me photo-ID. He gives me fingerporint of his *public* key. I
>  download key from key server, and check the finger print. I check the
>  ID matches the photo ID's I saw. I sign just that ID. Now tell me
>  again, how short of forging two picture ID's, there is a flaw in
>  this.

So we agree. You wouldn't sign the key without checking the fingerprint
first. The idea being, if the fingerprint matches, then John Smith
must have the matching private key (and not somebody else). 

(Of course, John Smith may deliberately give you the incorrect
fingerprint, don't ask me why, but lets not get into that here.)

Remember that there are two issues involved here:
1. Who has the private key (and can decrypt/sign mail)?
2. What is the name and E-Mail address of this person?

When you sign John Smith's public key, you have to verify that
the public key corresponds to both 1 and 2 above:

1. That the public key matches up with his private key. There is no need
to do this by inspecting the private key. Most people would probably
take John Smith's word for (as described above). If you are paranoid
though, you could give John Smith a random message, securely, which he
will sign and send back to you. Infact, I believe this is how ssh1 works
with RSA authentication. This way, it is impossible for somebody to lie
and say they have the private key, when they really don't, which is very
important for ssh, but maybe not such an issue for PGP.

2. Of course, you also have to identify his name and E-Mail address, to
give other people an indication as to who has the private key. You
then sign it so nobody else can tamper with it.

Brian May <bam@snoopy.apana.org.au>

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Description: PGP signature

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