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libc6 needs >= 2.0.7u (Closes: dpkg-shlibdeps is too strict

On Thursday 26 November 1998, at 15 h 20, the keyboard of Stephane Bortzmeyer 
<bortzmeyer@pasteur.fr> wrote:

> Actually, it is /var/lib/dpkg/info/libc6.shlibs which provide the unwanted constraint:
> libc            6       libc6 (>= 2.0.7u-6)

I wrote that without reading changelog.Debian which documents it:

> glibc (2.0.7u-2) unstable; urgency=low

  * added (>=2.0.7u) to shlibs, as this version is not backward compatible 
  *       with earlier versions: fixes 27314

OK, I understand what happens now, but it leaves me with three questions:

1) Is there a way to override this constraint if I am sure I can live with an older libc? /etc/dpkg/shlibs.* does not seem to do it, since the libc6.shlibs is sourced after them.

2) It means that every package compiled on a slink machine will not run on hamm (which uses 2.0.7t) unless the hamm machine gets at least a libc upgrade. It annoys me. We lose an important backward compatibility.

3) Who knows how to get a closed bug report? The bug system apparently erased everything about 27314 :-(

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