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Re: Source code location?

In article <[🔎] m0zeKcm-000IiwC@polya>, jdg@maths.qmw.ac.uk (Julian Gilbey) writes:

> I am trying to repackage a new upstream Stanford GraphBase (sgb).  I
> would like to include the source code in the .deb package, as the
> value of the included programs is really as a demonstration of what
> the library code can do (libgb), and the documentation of the
> library is in its literate source code.

Hmm. Interesting.  So how do you use it?  You *extend* the library?
Or you just read about it? ;)

> So here's the question: where do I place the CWEB source code?  Do I
> put it in:

>  o /usr/share/sgb although the use of /usr/share is not particularly
> well documented, or

It's documented in the FHS standard,
<URL:http://www.pathname.com/fhs/>, which is not officially sanctioned
by policy, but, nevertheless, is the right place for architecture
independant *data* files (or scripts).

>  o /usr/lib/sgb, especially as /usr/lib/sgb/data is where the
> datasets for the library are stored, or

>  o /usr/doc/sgb/examples, since they are somewhere between examples
> and the documentation?

> My gut feeling is to go for /usr/lib/sgb, but I would like advice
> before I proceed.

My gut feeling would be under /usr/doc/sgb/examples, I suppose.

.....Adam Di Carlo....adam@onShore.com.....<URL:http://www.onShore.com/>

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