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Re: Lost behind a firewall

Frederic Peters <fpeters@mygale.org> wrote:

> It's the holiday, I finished a few packages and have a problem : I can't use
> my usual ISP until october. So I use another one but there is a #-^*.&#*
> firewall which doesn't allow uploads. On the other hand, I can send mails
> using a good old BBS.
> My question is : Is this possible for me to send *.diff.gz, *.dsc, *.changes,
> *.deb (and some little *.orig.tar.gz) to somebody ? Just to upload them
> somewhere on master (I can still use telnet (but not ssh)).

Could you connect a PPPd to someone (I could volonter for this purpose), then
you could run SSH over this PPP link. I doesn't need to be a dialup, you could
have a separate link, and over this link run this special PPP, which you then
add as default link...

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