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Re: library questions

>>>>> On 21 May 1998 00:30:11 -0500, Rob Tillotson <rob@io.com> said:

 Rob> -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hello again, and thanks for
 Rob> your quick responses to my last queries.  I have two questions
 Rob> tonight, both relating to a package I have just adopted.  The
 Rob> package in question is objpak, a library of Objective-C classes.
 Rob> The previous debianized version is very old, so I have chosen to
 Rob> simply start from scratch with the current upstream version.
 Rob> The two issues I face are:

 Rob> 1. Major version number vs. soname

 Rob>     Given the differences in interface, should I bump the shared
 Rob>     library version to 2?  If I do that, what happens when the
 Rob>     upstream version goes to 2.0 (assuming it does that any time
 Rob>     soon)?  Or should I leave it at the default, since it won't
 Rob>     break any existing or future (since objpak is not in hamm at
 Rob>     all) Debian packages?

I'd try to get the upstream author to decide on a so scheme first.
(And offer helpful suggestions where necessary)  That way the package 
would be consistent across Unix and Linux versions.

As to what I think is a not-so-bad-idea.  Don't bump the .so to 2,
instead use the major and minor as the .so name so things link to
libobjpak.so.1.8 instead of just .so.1.  That way you don't change the 
.so in a way that could (in the future) conflict with an upgrade to

 Rob> 2. Compiler differences

 Rob>     The obvious answer is to name the libraries differently.  My
 Rob>     first idea is to have 'objpak1' and 'objpak-gcc1'... on the
 Rob>     other hand, I could use 'objpak-poc1' and 'objpak1'.  Have
 Rob>     there been any policy decisions on this sort of thing?  Is
 Rob>     there a better solution? Does it even matter, since hardly
 Rob>     anyone uses Objective-C? :-)

Probably doesn't matter. ;)

I would name them both differently just to emphasize what each one goes 
to (objpak-poc1, and objpak-gcc1).  And I'd rename the libs themselves 
as well. libobjpak-gcc.so.1.8.x and libpbjpak-poc.so.1.8.x (assuming
the poc and gcc compilers can live together on the same system happily 
else it's a waste of time to rename them since both won't be installed 

@James LewisMoss <dres@dimensional.com> |  Blessed Be!
@    http://www.dimensional.com/~dres   |  Linux is kewl!
@"Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they're yours." Bach

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