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Re: [help #237320] [hamap] Changing HAMAP license to match UniProt (CC-BY-4.0)?

Thank you Nicole for the response.

Yes, we would be upgrading the data files should HAMAP re-license. Prokka does have scripts to re-build their reference data files, though they are not well documented: https://github.com/tseemann/prokka/blob/master/bin/prokka-hamap_to_hmm

I think re-licensing also benefits users too, not just software packagers :-)

I look forward to hearing back about the license!


On Mon, Sep 18, 2023 at 11:27 AM Nicole Redaschi via RT <helpdesk@expasy.org> wrote:
Dear Michael,

the person to address license questions is currently on vacation, but I wanted to raise another issue here until he comes back. I did not know Prokka, so I quickly browsed https://github.com/tseemann/prokka and saw that the data files it includes are 4-9 years old. This is not good for genome annotation, and a pity, because the Prokka code itself looks useful. In https://www.biostars.org/p/473293/ someone also advised to use more than HAMAP for genome annotation, and I tend to agree (the objective of the HAMAP project was depth rather than width of annotation).

I wished that developers of such pipelines would provide setup scripts that fetch the latest data from the data providers' FTP sites instead of including outdated (and sometimes very big) data files in their packages. This would ensure that users get the latest data, and at the same time avoid data license problems that prevent you from including their code into Debian.

Best regards,

On Sat Sep 16 17:14:01 2023, crusoe@debian.org wrote:
> Sender name: Michael R. Crusoe
> Subject: [hamap] Changing HAMAP license to match UniProt (CC-BY-4.0)?
> Hello,
> Since UniProt release 2018_07, the UniProt license changed from the
> Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND 3.0) to the Creative
> Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license.
> It would be great if HAMAP would follow this change and also adopt CC-
> BY, as it would allow HAMAP derived data products to be included in
> Debian; like in the HMMs in Prokka for example.
> (The "NoDerivs" part of CC-BY-ND is what is incompatible with the
> Debian Free Software Guidelines.)
> Either a retroactive license change, or a new release under CC-BY-4.0
> would fix the issue for us.
> Thanks!

 Nicole Redaschi                         nicole.redaschi@sib.swiss
 SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics   Tel: +41 (0)22 379 59 65
 CMU, rue Michel Servet 1                Fax: +41 (0)22 379 58 58
 1211 Geneve 4,
 Switzerland      www.sib.swiss - www.expasy.org - www.uniprot.org

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