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Re: Request for Sponsorship: VeryFastTree - Parallelized and Optimized Version of FastTree

Hi César,

sorry for beeing a bit short but I'm in preparation of my DebConf
travel thus answering only where you directly addressed me.

Am Mon, Sep 04, 2023 at 03:11:38PM +0200 schrieb César Pomar:
> >If you're interested in proceeding to prepare the package update
> >for Debian yourself, you can lookup the team policy[1] chapter
> >on the update topic if you need a refresh.  Once you think your
> >repository in Salsa is ready for uploading the new version,
> >please come back to us requesting for sponsorship.
> The last package updates were done directly by Andreas, although I know
> how to do them. What do you think, Andreas?

Inside Debian Med team there is a culture that any team member is
permitted to touch any package.  Sometimes its just helpful if someone
does a quick update while beeing verbose in commit logs.  I did never
intend to drain your motivation somehow.  I'm just usually running
`routine-update -f` before sponsoring a package or if I have some kind
of other reason.

Kind regards and thank you for maintaining VeryFastTree


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